Friday, May 31, 2013




In what year was to create Cadbury ? 1824/ 1825/ 1827

What we see on the first day ? Museum of Science & Industry/ The Beatles Museum/ Cadbury Museum

How many teachers have been with us in England ? 5/ 4/ 3

Or the Beatles Museum is located ? Liverpool/ Machester/ London

What day we visited the Museum of Science & Industry ? Monday/ Wednesday/ Thursday


My week in England

When I got out of the bus the weather was nice, we had no sun and no rain either.

I saw the host lady, she was very funny! And her car too!

It was a very small blue car.

Me and Benoît couldn’t put the suitcase in the car, because the suitcase was bigger than the car!

On our first day we visited Cadbury, it was really very large and much fun.

My favourite visit was the Beatles Museum, because I like the Beatles!

The lady in the family was very cool and very nice. She had a little house to accompany this little car.

Our meals were always the same, sandwich with ham, butter with chips… It was edible.

IN SHORT it was a good trip! J


My impressions!

Before the departure in France to England I was very excited at the idea of going to Great Britain, because it was my first school trip. But I admit that I was a little bit anxious because my friends and I didn’t know who our host family was, but we just knew that they were old and we invented a lot of stereotypes. We arrived at Southport, a little town not very far from Liverpool, after a long journey on the bus (and a on-hour crossing on board of a ferry too): about 16 hours in order to travel from France to Great Britain! It was so long... But we had always fun and we dealt with it as best we could. The driver, called Eric, stopped the bus in the B&Q’s shop car park: it was the site’s appointment, where we met our host family. My friends, Victor, Valentin, Hamza and me were the last pupils waiting for their family. Finally, they arrived, smiling. Then we went to their home, it was a little home, quite pretty! But the best thing I remember of was the food: when I knew that we were going to England, I was very happy but I believed that we were going to eat traditional food, and eat salty food wouldn’t be possible for me because I hate that! But to my surprise, we ate very well. And the best food we ate, during this trip, was a hamburger with chips and a delicious dessert with raspberry! We were like kings! Concerning the museums which we visited, the best museum for me was The Beatles’ Story, because I like their songs (like:  Yellow Submarine and Let It Be). But I hated the Quarry Bank Mill museum, because it didn’t interest me and it was too long. Finally, we enjoyed this trip of one week, we had fun and I expect to return to this fabulous country, because there is so much to do and see!


My trip to England..

On 7 April 2013, we embarked in Eric's bus. After a long and hard trip we arrived to our destination. In the bus we were excited and very happy to see the families in Southport. After a one-night journey without sleeping the boat was in front of us. Many people were present everywhere in the Ferry. Waiting for our Family was very long.  Jeanne arrived in a grey car, she took us home. In the evening, Jeanne brought a hot water bottle for Mylene and me. The visits and the shopping afternoons were very nice, and my favorite museum was the Beatles Story. Jeanne's food was good but..the dessert was very special (caramel cream and fruit with concentrated fruit syrup). My favorite day was Tuesday, because The Beatles Story Museum was very beautiful and interesting. The trip to England was nice and very funny.


England: my summarize!

My favorite part of a school trip is always the bus part because it’s very interesting, if you take a look it’s one of the most human and social part of the travel, I met lot of new students I didn’t know before I was surprised because they all had lot of personality and great character it was a great moment I had lot of fun. When I first entered in the bus I taught that the trip was going to be boring but not at all it was very nice but I specially had lot of fun whit the bac pro boys big up to them! I was also really glad to meet Eric our bus driver he was very sympathetic and funny, a great driver, our teachers told us that an important part of the travel depends of the driver’s personality but  nothing to say was Eric was nice! Well in this travel the thing I feared the most was the announcement of our families I was going to stay whit Valentin, Victor and Anthony first when we sow our family we were very anxious we taught that is were going to be boring such a family because they were old people but like they say the cloth don’t make the monk we were mistaking Michael and Jeanne were very nice  and cool people they had a lovely house and our rooms well we  couldn’t dream better and the meals… we taught that we were in a restaurant Jeanne is such a good cooker! If I had to choose my favorite visit Ill choose whit no hesitation the stadium of Manchester United, The Old Trafford I am a big fan of football since I was kid for me it’s more than a sport it’s a passion, and visiting the Old Trafford is a dream becoming true lot of big players have played and showing the world their skills in this stadium from Eric Cantona, Wayne Rooney to Cristiano Ronaldo and ill not forget the coach wich was a legend in this sport Sir Alex Ferguson one of the biggest trainers of this century whit lot of trophies and cup’s he had done everything whit the team. I also bought lot of stuff in the stadium’s shop even candies!  It was a very good experience we had lot of fun and the travel ambience was great I’ll do it again if we had to!

Thursday, May 30, 2013



What is the name of the first museum when we are visited?
a)Cadbury word
b)quarry bank mill
c)slavery museum
What is the color of the car with Florent and Benoit?
What is the name of the city is where you have been shopping for the first time?
What is the name of the town who there was the big wheel?
b)Albert dock
When day did we visit the gallery state museum?



·        How many is the Beatles?
The Beatles was four

·        What the name of coach driver?
The name of the coach driver is Eric

·        How color was the car of Florent and Benoît?
The color of the car was blue

·        What the name of the movie in the car?
The name of the movie in the car was Aladdin

·        At what time we left us of Chateauroux?
A 9 A.M

·        What the names of the Beatles?
John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr

anthony mark david gormley

Anthony Mark David Gormley

He was born in London in 1950.He obtained an architect diploma.
He is a very famous artist on the scene of London scine the beginning of the1980s.

Crosby beach includes 100 cast-iron life-size figures measuring 1.89m, spread for three kilometers.
They were created by Anthony Gormley in 1997.
the statues are a molding from the body of Anthony Gormley.
Another place has attracted a huge amount of interest in the area with large numbers of people.




- How called bus drivers?
- Guy and Eric.

-  Where Sum or we go the first day?
- Were going to Cadbury.

- Who had a blue car?
- Florent and Benoit.

- How was it for you to travel one?
- There were fifty eight people.

- How far is southport Chateauroux?
- There are thousand three hundred.

- How long the hard drive?
- There are twelve hours away.

- When are we going to Cadbury?
- The first day.

- At what time we arrived at Chateauroux?
- We arrived at seven o'clock in the morning. 
- What stage have we visited?
- Manchester stadium.




-         What is the name of bus driver ??

1)   Jordan, 2) Eric, 3) Victor

-         How many teacher have accompanied us ??

1)   3, 2) 4, 3) 5

-         What stadium of football visit us ??

1)   Southport, 2) Liverpool, 3) Manchester

-         What day we visit a Beatles museum ??

1)   Monday, 2) Tuesday, 3) Friday

-         What color was the car Florent and Benoît ?

1)   Blue, 2) red, 3) green
Benoît =)



How is called the children of Queen Elizabeth II?
- René     - Edward     - Charles     - Georgette     - Anne     - Andrew

What is the specialty of England?- Pudding     - Choucroute     - Fish & chips     - Raclette     - Cupcake

Among these countries, which are English-speaking countries?
- the USA      - China    Scotland     - Sweden     - Australia     - I

What is the capital of England?
- Belfast     - London     - Birmingham     - Liverpool     - Canberra

What is the currency of England?
The Euro     -The Pound    The Lira    - The Dollar     - The Rupee     - The Rouble

What is the traditional name given to the flag of the United Kingdom??
- Sky Flag     - Jack's Flag     - Union Jack     - Black Jack     - Jack Wills

What are the essential ingredients of the traditional British breakfast ?- Fried Eggs     - Sausages     - Camembert     - Bacon     - Pastry

What is the name of luxury London department store where you can find anything?
- Harrods     - Marks & Spencer     - La Fayette     - Macy's     - River Island

1-Anne, Andrew, Charles, Edward  2-Fish & chips, pudding, cupcakes  3-Ireland, Scotland, the USA, Australia  4-London  5- The Pound  6-Union Jack  7-Fried Eggs, Sausages, Bacon  8-Harrods


Tate Gallery Liverpool ... Mysterious Place !!

The Tate Gallery Liverpool is located in Albert Dock, it is a modern gallery, and some artists display their work. The different art works are sculptures, paintings. For exemple Three Ball Total Equilibrim Tank by Jeff KOONS. This work is very impressive, how do the basket-balls hold all alone? Mystery: It's necessary to visit the Tate Gallery Liverpool to find out !!