Friday, May 31, 2013

My impressions!

Before the departure in France to England I was very excited at the idea of going to Great Britain, because it was my first school trip. But I admit that I was a little bit anxious because my friends and I didn’t know who our host family was, but we just knew that they were old and we invented a lot of stereotypes. We arrived at Southport, a little town not very far from Liverpool, after a long journey on the bus (and a on-hour crossing on board of a ferry too): about 16 hours in order to travel from France to Great Britain! It was so long... But we had always fun and we dealt with it as best we could. The driver, called Eric, stopped the bus in the B&Q’s shop car park: it was the site’s appointment, where we met our host family. My friends, Victor, Valentin, Hamza and me were the last pupils waiting for their family. Finally, they arrived, smiling. Then we went to their home, it was a little home, quite pretty! But the best thing I remember of was the food: when I knew that we were going to England, I was very happy but I believed that we were going to eat traditional food, and eat salty food wouldn’t be possible for me because I hate that! But to my surprise, we ate very well. And the best food we ate, during this trip, was a hamburger with chips and a delicious dessert with raspberry! We were like kings! Concerning the museums which we visited, the best museum for me was The Beatles’ Story, because I like their songs (like:  Yellow Submarine and Let It Be). But I hated the Quarry Bank Mill museum, because it didn’t interest me and it was too long. Finally, we enjoyed this trip of one week, we had fun and I expect to return to this fabulous country, because there is so much to do and see!


1 comment:

  1. Excellent post!
    Glad you enjoyed the trip!
    Anne MacLeod
