Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The big woman in the little blue car 2 !

7 April at 13 April 2013
My family :

We met the woman at the car park of the shop B & Q.
We went in the little blue car and we put the luggage in the boot, it was very difficult to put the luggage in the car because it was very small.
The woman was very nice and she had daughter who was 23 years old.
She had an old dog, it was a boxer.
The bedroom was nice ! We had two beds, a big bed and a small bed.
We had Tv in the bedroom.

The dinner with the woman was very cool, we had nice food and big portions.
We had eat, sausages-mash-red bean, pizza-chips and pasta.

1 comment:

  1. Hello FLERENT !!!
    The job is very beautiful but it's very short !!!
